Most of you Newgrounders probably think we're a goddamned crew focused on trolling and spamming the portal, but, guess what? You're all WRONG. Over the time we've become a very serious crew, but just a little bit less serious than the rest. Because of this setting, we've had appearances in Portal Defenders, as well as in news posts. Actually, we're pretty damn cool.
However, we're really lacking some fresh meat. In the last few weeks we only had one new member, and thats really not enough. We must grow more and more, so that we can create a more valueable and loving community full of people who make flash, music, and all other sorts of art. Not to forget the people who like to post on forums, make friends and discuss all kinds of things!
So come take a look, and consider signing up. After all, this kitty right here represents our current amount of quality. Looks good to me, right?
Can I join?
Everybody can! Just go to the forums, sign up and post a little about yourself in the validate forum!